I tend to list photography as my hobby. This usually means taking a lot of family souvenir shots. However, these are hardly interesting for the outside world. Here I present the few photos that may be less hermetic. All thumbnails are links to galleries. They are ordered by the order of adding them here, the newest at the top.
Small walk around Gorges-du-Loup and Gréolières. The late winter weather makes this a particularly attractive destination, pretty close to the coast.
A hike in the French Alps. We were lucky enough to buy some cheese made from milk obtained from the cows in the photos.
Trip to the biggest medieval castle in the world.
Switzerland without getting out of the car.Old galleries
Here are some thumbnails, in no particular order. Clicking on any of them will get you to the respective gallery.
Technique notes
Most of what I have written about photography is not worth serving any more. Exceptions:
- a comparison between Epson Perfection scanner and photo lab
- a rant about comparing high-iso in good light
- a comparison of macro maginification